joshua tree national park.

Joshua Tree National Park is incomparable to anywhere else I have been. It’s almost otherworldly. I have not (yet) been to Mars, but I imagine Mars to look a lot like Joshua Tree. It’s such a unique place to visit. 

When we first researched the park, we of course looked up photos to see if the park was worth visiting. Honestly, we almost didn’t even visit because all of the photos were just big rocks laying around, it didn’t seem that special. 

But, we are curious and the park is only a two hour drive from Orange County, so we decided to venture out and I am so glad that we did. 

Joshua Tree National Park, September 2017

Joshua Tree National Park, September 2017

The towns of Joshua Tree and Twenty Nine Palms are the closest towns to the park. It was really eye opening for me to visit towns like these simply because they were so different than what I was used to. The towns are in the middle of the Mojave Desert and are so small! I love traveling because it makes you aware of all the different ways there are to live. America, alone, has such a vast amount of culture. I love it. 

Anyways, I recommend visiting Joshua Tree in the spring. We have visited both in September and March. In September, it was almost unbearably hot, with temperatures over 100 degrees. In March, it was chilly in the morning and perfect hiking weather in the afternoon. Remember, Joshua Tree is in the high desert so it gets really cold in the winter and they even get snow. 

Most National Parks are far off main highways and hard to get too. Joshua Tree is great because the park entrance is in the city of Joshua Tree making it fairly easy to get too. Additionally, the park is only an hour from the bustling city of Palm Springs. 

The park has three entrances, I recommend entering via the West Entrance (the entrance in the city of Joshua Tree). The park does not have any restaurants and has very few restrooms. Make sure you have plenty of water and stop at the Visitor Center to use the restroom before you enter the park. 

A lot of the trails in the park allow for off trail hiking. Please be careful and make sure you are able to find your way back. The Mojave Desert can be really dangerous. Though there are many harmless animals and plants, there are also rattle snakes and mountain lions. Hike with caution. Much of the park can be accessed by vehicle and the hikes are short. You do not need to be in great shape to visit this park! Have fun climbing the rocks and taking in the vastness of the desert.

Where We Stayed: 

The first time we visited the park, we stayed in Palm Springs at 7 Springs. As always, we like combining locations in one trip. Palm Springs and Joshua Tree are a perfect combo. If you have already been to Palm Springs, Joshua Tree has several unique Airbnb experiences in the desert. Or, if you live in Southern California, Joshua Tree is an easy day trip. 

Where We Ate: 

We love supporting local restaurants, so each time we have been to the park, we have ate at one of the local restaurants in either Joshua Tree or Twenty Nine Palms. 

Where We Hiked: 

Hidden Valley trail is a must do! Though the trail is only a mile, we have spent hours on this trail. There are so many rocks to climb and explore, take your time and have fun. Though the trail can get busy, there are so many areas to climb that you will feel like you have the place to yourself.

Hidden Valley, March 2019

Hidden Valley, March 2019

Hidden Valley, March 2019

Hidden Valley, March 2019

Nearby Hidden Valley is Barker Dam, another one mile loop trail. The trail takes you past a beautiful lake and if you time it right, the sun reflects the rocks in the lake and it’s so beautiful. This trail also takes you up close to dozens of Joshua Trees and even some ancient hieroglyphics. Again, take your time and climb all over the rocks!

Barker Dam, March 2020

Barker Dam, March 2020

I like driving out to Keys View. This isn’t much of a trail but more of an overlook. The view overlooks Coachella Valley and Mt. San Jacinto towering at almost 11,000 feet. If you’re lucky, the mountain will have snow at the top!

Keys View, September 2017

Keys View, September 2017

Across from the famous Skull Rock (overly crowded), are the Jumbo Rocks. We love parking our car nearby and spending time exploring these rocks. Keep in mind, Joshua Tree welcomes off trail exploring. This park is not for extreme hikers, rather, it’s one of the top eight places to rock climb in the world (numerous sources). 

Jumbo Rocks, March 2019

Jumbo Rocks, March 2019

Jumbo Rocks, March 2019

Jumbo Rocks, March 2019

After Jumbo Rocks, the terrain becomes mysteriously flat and full of Joshua Trees rather than rocks. We usually continue along Park Blvd. and exit in Twenty Nine Palms at the North Entrance of the Park. 

Best Time To Visit:

  • Spring


traveling with lupus.

